California Residents Information

We work with advertising partners (including Google and Hearst Autos) to show you ads for products and services you might be interested in. Under California law, specific disclosures are required and California residents have additional rights regarding their personal information.

Your California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Rights:

Right to be free from discrimination

You may exercise any of the rights as stipulated below without fear of discrimination. Under CCPA, you have the right to:

Right to know and access your personal information

Including but not limited to:

  • Right to know the categories of personal information we collect as well as the categories of sources from which we got the information;
  • Right to know the purposes, both business or commercial, for which we collect and share personal information;
  • Right to know the categories of third parties and other entities with whom we share personal information;
  • Right to access specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.

If you wish to exercise your rights as described above, please contact us and include your name, email address, and California postal address. If you have an active CarBuzz account, please also include your username.

Right to deletion

You have the right to request that we delete your personal information, under certain circumstances. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us and include your name, email address, and California postal address. If you have an active CarBuzz account, please also include your username.

Right to opt-out of sales

We may share your personal information with third parties in ways that the CCPA constitutes as being a "sale". You have the right to request that your personal information is not sold in this regard going forward.

If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us and include your name, email address, and California postal address. If you have an active CarBuzz account, please also include your username. Alternatively, you can use the button below:

For any of the aforementioned rights, an authorized agent can be designated to make a request on your behalf. In so doing, information sufficient for us to confirm the identity of an authorized agent must be provided by you or your authorized agent. We are required to verify that your agent has the proper authority to request information on your behalf. As a result, it may take additional time to fulfill your request.

If you are a California resident and have any questions regarding your CCPA rights under this Privacy Notice, please contact us at

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